• TEIN at the European Week of Regions and Cities

    At the 21st edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities held in Brussels, the TEIN members Centre for Cross Border Studies, ITEM and Euro-Institut organised a workshop on “Preventing instead of breaking barriers – How to minimise the risk of emerging obstacles to cross-border cooperation”.

    What tools, projects and initiatives exist to prevent potential risks and difficulties to cross-border cooperation in border regions? How can cross-border cooperation be supported in order to facilitate it?

    Three examples of good practice were presented at the workshop:

    • Anne Thevenet, Deputy Director of the Euro-Institut, presented the Euro-Institut’s strand of training: cross-border mediation as a cross-cutting component of its activities – from moderating Franco-German meetings, Franco-German coaching to specialised training and support for cross-border projects. Cross-border mediation is a lever for action that facilitates and supports the processes and dynamics of communication and cooperation across borders.
    • Presented by Pim Mertens of the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility / ITEM, ITEM’s impact analysis method offers new perspectives on the effects of European and national legislation and policy initiatives on border regions. The impact analysis focuses on three main themes for which the effects on border regions are analysed: European integration, socio-economic/sustainable development and Euregional cohesion.
    • The #CBenACT project, presented by Anthony Soares from the Centre for Cross Border Studies, aims to integrate a cross-border cooperation approach into organisational cultures and to develop the intercultural/cross-border competences of different target groups. Thus, the project aims to make cross-border cooperation a priority and not an exception.

    The presentations as well as the following constructive exchange with the participants made it possible to shed light on the advantages and challenges of cross-border cooperation and its implementation.

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