• General information

    The University of Girona (UdG) is a public institution and part of the Catalan public university system. UdG has been ranked among the first 100 universities in the world for considering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (Ranking “THE World University Rankings”). With 15,300 students, 1260 teaching and research staff members and 599 administrative and service staff members, the UdG is a consolidated teaching, research, and knowledge transfer institution. It consists of 24 departments, 12 research institutes and 35 university chairs. The University offers 45 bachelor’s degrees and 40 Master’s degrees.

    Legal form

    Public university


    Jordi Cicres, PhD


    Pl. de Sant Domènec, 9. 17004 Girona (Catalonia, Spain)


  • Role of the institution regarding cross-border issues

    Close to the Spanish-French border, the University of Girona is a key actor for cross-border cooperation projects together with several education institutions (such as the University of Perpignan), NGOs and public bodies. As a public university, it also provides experts in many different disciplines: sociology, sociolinguistics, law, geography, history, linguistics, administration, etc. The border and the cross-border space are research topics for a number of research groups of the University, and cross-border cooperation in teaching and research is regularly done.

  • References regarding cross-border issues


    • Several Bachelor’s degrees related to CBC, such as “Geography, Town and Country Planning and Environmental Management”, “Economics”, “Law”, “Cultural Communication”, “Tourism”, etc.

    • Several Master’s degrees dealing with borders and cross-border topics, such as “Master in Research in Humanities”, “Joint Master in European Medieval Identity”, “Master in Administration Management”, “Master in Business Economics”, “Joint Master in Labour Economics”, “Master in Migratory Movements in the 21st Century: Concepts, Realities and Actions”, “Joint Master in Cultural Management”, “Joint Master in Management of Mountain Areas”, “Master in Tourism Management and Planning”, “Master in Cultural Tourism”, “Master’s Degree in Tourism Management (EMTM)”, “Joint Master in Citizenship and Human Rights: Ethics and Politics”, etc.

    • A number of postgraduate courses directly or partly related to borders or the cross-border reality, such as “Legal Culture: Security, Justice and Law”, “Specialist in Labor and Social Security Law”, “Public Dispute Resolution and Community Mediation”, etc.

    Research / Applied research

    • Research Project “Shrinking borders: Challenges and strategies for cooperation in regressing and low-density border territories in Spain, France and Portugal”, led by Dr. Margarida Castañer (Geography department).

    • Research project “Cross-border cooperation in Europe, a local scale geopolitics. Analysis in five European countries of good practices for integration and global development (TRANSBORDEURCOP)”, led by Dr. Margarida Castañer (Geography department).

    • Research project “Transport networks in the border area: tools for strengthening a transcatalan territoriality, led by Dr. Jaume Feliu (Geography department).


    • Forum “Multilingualism and Identity in the 21st Century Europe”, in the framework of the TEIN4Citizens project.

    • Cross-border seminar on intervention with young people in immigration contexts, in the framework of the PROSPECTSASO project.


    • “Borders and Europeanization of the territory: the role of cities and regions in the construction of the European territory”, PhD thesis by Javier Martín.

    • “Cross-border work” chapter of the Manual of Labor Law, Social Security and Labor Migration, by Ferran Camas (2019).

    • Vicente Rufí,J.; Richard, Y.; Feliu, J.; Berzi, M. (2020). Editorial: Peripheral borders, soft and hard re-bordering in Europe. Belgeo. Vol. 2. https://doi.org/10.4000/belgeo.35120

    • Pastor Saberi, R; Castañer i Vivas, M.; Varga Linde, D. (2017). The de-bordering process in urban landscapes: a land use and land cover analysis of a Pyrenean border region: the Central area of the cross-border Catalan space. Europa Regional. Vol. 24, 2016 (2017), pp.23-34.

    • Cicres, J.; Llach, S. (2020). Sociolinguistic implications of the border in the Catalan Cross-Border Space. In Wassenberg, B. (Ed.). Cross-border Circulation and Networks in the European Space. L’Harmattan, pp. 103-123.