• General information


    Borders aim to establish or maintain orders, be they specified in law, handed down through history, or expressed through symbols. Orders, in turn, cannot exist in the absence of border markings, whether in the form of lines on a map or as patterns for differentiation in people’s minds. The understanding that borders and orders must always be conceived of in dynamic interrelationships guides the work of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION. As a key research institution of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), the Center initiates and bundles analyses concerning these interrelationships in the social, cultural, economic, and legal sciences.

    Legal form

    Research Center of the public university Europa-Universität Viadrina


    PD Dr. Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, leutloff@europa-uni.de

    Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, Große Scharrnstraße 59, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

    Associated member and contact person: Dr. Peter Ulrich, pulrich@europa-uni.de or peter.ulrich@leibniz-irs.de


  • Role of the institution regarding cross-border issues

    We see borders as laboratories in which societal developments are concentrated. By focusing our research on borders, societal dynamics can be observed, analyzed, and anticipated especially well. At the same time, we assume that besides nation-state orders and their borders, transnational and non-state configurations of borders and orders are relevant as well. For this reason, we investigate the diverse practices of marking, transgressing, dissolving, and reestablishing borders and the stabilization or transformation of political-legal, social, cultural, and economic orders which that entails. The activities of the research center are centred around 4 central fields of inquiry: Borders & Boundaries, Labor, Conflict and Migration.

  • References regarding cross-border issues


    • Scientific Lab „Grenzeuropa/ Europe of cross-border regions“: Participatory ideas workshop to conceptualize and conduct a survey with school students in the cross-border region (in cooperation with the Frankfurt-Słubice Cooperation Center, 2019)
    • Workshop „Grenzeuropa/ Europe of cross-border regions“ annually at Europe´s Day (9 May) (in cooperation with the Frankfurt-Słubice Cooperation Center, 2016-2019)

    Research / Applied research

    • EGTC Center of Excellence (Dr. Peter Ulrich with Dr. Marcin Krzymuski
    • Research Group “Border & Boundary Studies”
    • DAAD research project on the “countries of former Yugoslavia as double transit space” (PD Dr. Carolin Leutloff-Grandits)

    Consulting / Studies

    • ERASMUS project “Developing a new curriculum in Global Migration, Diaspora and Border Studies in East-Central Europe (GLocalEAst)” > trying to develop new study programm
    • INTERREG project and study “Research and Practice in Dialogue: How do cross-border public services and civic participation function in the Euroregion Pro Europa Viadrina?


    • INTERREG Conference “Cross-Border public services in the Euroregion Pro Europa Viadrina” (2021)
    • Conference “B/ORDERS IN MOTION: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives” (2018)
    • Conference B/ORDERÌNG CULTURES – 6th Annual Conference of the German cultural studies association (KWG)

    Publications / Conference papers