• Toolkit Ireland/Northern Ireland

    The Intercultural/Cross-Border Project Management Toolkit in the Irish Cross-Border Territory

    While the “common” version of the Intercultural/Cross-Border Project Management Toolkit has been designed to equip those involved in managing cross-border projects in the general European context, here you will find its adaptation to the Irish cross-border territory. We define that territory as those parts of the island of Ireland designated as the eligible area under the EU PEACE and INTERREG programmes.

    This Toolkit aims to equip those involved in the management of cross-border or transnational projects with the skills and knowledge needed for the successful implementation of cross-border interventions. It is set within a context of cross-border cooperation on the island of Ireland that has been developing in the light of two principal sets of policy imperatives:

    • EU Territorial Cohesion Policy, EU Territorial Cooperation and other Structural Funding, particularly the PEACE Programmes; and
    • The commitment to cross-border cooperation made in Strand II of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement.

    The Intercultural/Cross-Border Project Management Toolkit is a recognition that successful cross-border cooperation is not based on good will alone: it needs those who are involved in it to have a set of specific skills and approaches. These are what this Toolkit provides.

    — Toolkit for Inter-Cultural/Cross-border Project Management: Ireland/Northern Ireland Border Area —

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.