• The PAT-TEIN partners held their 4th Consortium Meeting in Belfast (Northern Ireland)

    The PAT-TEIN project member held their 4th consortium meeting on the 5th & 6th November 2013 in Belfast, hosted by the local partner, the Centre for Cross Border Studies.

    The partners came together in Northern Ireland for an inspiring and fruitful two day meeting. Core points of discussion were the further development of the transferred tools within the five different cross-border contexts, continuous reflections on their future implementation, the preparation of the first test module and the final event of the project.

    Within this phase it was crucial to facilitate an exchange of experiences in order to elaborate the best local approaches for the first test of the transferred modules. This mutual learning and understanding among the partners will help to strengthen TEIN and its practical tools.

    The meeting was framed by motivating insights of Cross-Border Cooperation and regional initiatives in a more than challenging surrounding.

    The group will meet again for their 5th consortium meeting in Slovenia 15th & 16th April 2014, hosted by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration

    More information can be found under:



    Ruth Taillon, Anthony Soares and Benedikt Speers with DFA officials Margaret Stanley and Barbara Jones.

    PAT-TEIN project members at the EU Office, Belfast – 6 November 2013

    Presentation to Colette Fitzgerald, Head of EU Representation Office, Belfast